More Travel Tips To Utilize With Our No-Metal, TSA-Approved Belts
Jet lag, long lines in airport security, long hours sitting down, waiting on rideshares to pick you up, checking into hotels, grabbing food on-the-go, and getting to your meetings can leave even the most seasoned traveler completely exhausted. For many people, the idea of hopping on a plane and flying to another destination hundreds or thousands of miles away from home is exciting, and for others...well, it’s just another day at the “office.”
Here at Klik Belts, we can’t help shorten those long security lines or bump you up to First Class. What we can do, however, is ensure that your belt-wearing experience is as comfortable, reliable, and convenient as possible. We can also help reduce the time you spend getting hassled by TSA agents (if only by a little).
The World’s Strongest TSA-Compliant Belt
How? We proudly provide the world’s strongest polymer (plastic composite) buckle belt, and it
also happens to be the best TSA-compliant belt on the market. We took the classic Klik Belt design and simply eliminated the aluminum metal buckle that our wearers know and love, and replaced it with an easy-to-pass-through-the-metal-scanner plastic buckle. The result? A better all-around travel experience.
To help make your frequent flyer miles pass by just a bit more smoothly, keep reading below for more travel tips that we originally touched on in this blog post.
When Packing: Roll Your Clothing
Worried about having enough space in your suitcase? Rolling your clothing, as opposed to folding, is an effective way to max out your bag and bring everything that you need to (and then some) without overstuffing your luggage. If you need to sit on your suitcase just to zip it closed, you’re doing it wrong.
Seasoned travelers know this packing pro-tip very well.
You Can Pack Lighter Than You Realize
To our point above, the truth about traveling is that the majority of people bring more than they need on their trips. Sure, it’s nice to have the reassurance that you’ve brought almost everything you could possibly need during your trip, but unless you’re traveling somewhere remote or going on a wilderness expedition where all you’ve brought is truly all you’ll have access to, you can make do with a relatively modest bag.
In the event that you need to purchase something small like toothpaste, shampoo, or cheap sunglasses, you’ll be able to do so...you know, in society, such as the airport you’ve just landed in! (Be mindful that everyday items are usually massively overpriced in airports).
Carry It On Whenever Possible
You’ve never had the pleasure of having a true travel experience unless you’ve dealt with an extreme delay (or worse) with obtaining your checked baggage. Though airlines are generally pretty good about keeping your checked bags in good shape and getting them back to you in a timely manner, sometimes they’re not, and that can cause a serious strain on your trip.
Checked baggage becomes even riskier when you’re flying with multiple connections on a tight schedule. With connecting flights, it’s best to carry on your bags whenever possible. Remember, this is a lot easier to do when you’ve packed light!
Wear Compression Socks On Your Flight
For longer flights that last over 3-4 hours, you’ll definitely want to shuffle around to get your blood circulating. A good way to avoid swelling and “sleepy legs” from sitting down too long is by wearing compression socks that naturally circulate the blood in your feet and legs more efficiently.
If anything, at least wear a pair of any type of socks on your flight. Going barefoot with sandals is just unsanitary and inconsiderate when you’re packed in a metal tube with hundreds of people.
Don’t Keep Your Wallet In Your Back Pocket
This is a general street-smart tip that all people should put into practice, but it’s even more pertinent when you’re traveling and in an unknown area. Be friendly and positive, but never trust strangers by having valuables or personal items in easy range of potential pickpocketers.
Making Airport Security Just A Little Better: The Best TSA-Approved Belt Online!
If it’s strong, easy to secure, comfortable, and metal-free, then it must be a polymer buckle Klik Belt. To get your own, shop our site and find the perfect color that suits your tastes today.