Travel Like A Pro With Our TSA-Approved Belts
If only traveling was as easy as being picked up in a private car, getting dropped off right next to your plane, and being seated immediately. Well, for elite individuals, travel is this easy. But for the rest of us, we’re generally forced to deal with long lines, intrusive airport security, getting a ride to and from the airport, lost luggage, less-than-ideal passengers...the list goes on.
Whether you’re forced to travel for business or you’re planning a relaxing vacation to the Bahamas, the reality is that flying is practically unavoidable when it comes to traveling. Fortunately, here at Klik Belts, we’re doing our part to make your travel experience just a little bit more convenient.
Improve Your Travel Experience With Our No-Metal, TSA-Approved Belts
We provide the strongest TSA-approved belts on the market thanks to our new polymer buckle material. Designed to make walking through airport security a breeze (or, at least, a little easier and less intrusive), we’re confident that our no-metal travel belts are the perfect addition to your travel wardrobe or even everyday, casual wear. With a Klik Belt, there are no compromises!
In today’s blog post, we’ll be looking at several tips to make traveling by air a little easier for you and your family (or workplace associates). Let’s get started!
Tips To Make Flying More...Bearable
Check-In Beforehand
In the age of mobile applications, most (if not all) airlines have their own mobile app. Do yourself a favor and download the app, for free, a few days before your flight. When its 24 hours before your flight is scheduled to depart, simply check-in ahead of time via the app. You’ll still need your boarding pass, of course, but letting the airline know you’re on your way makes things easier for everyone.
Arrive Earlier Than You Need To
As nice as it would be to arrive at the airport, quickly pass through security, and walk straight up to the boarding gates, this is simply not the norm when it comes to flying. What if the security lines are longer than expected? What if traffic is worse than expected around the airport? There are too many variables at play when you’re catching a flight, so it’s always best to play it safe and arrive much earlier than you need to. This way, you can relax, catch up on work or news, and breathe easy knowing that you’ll be ready and on-time.
Exercise Before Your Flight
Sitting for long periods of time can be unpleasant and uncomfortable — the human body wasn’t meant to be completely sedentary for too long. While getting up and shuffling about the cabin is an option mid-flight, your best bet is to try and get some exercise in before your flight. Whether that means going on a medium-length run, swimming a few laps, hitting the elliptical, or even lifting weights at the gym, moving (and mildly exhausting) your body will make sitting down feel that much better...and earned, too!
Bring Snacks
No one has ever said something along the lines of, “Hey, you know what? That burger I got from the airport food court just really hit the spot. I’m so glad that I didn’t bring any food with me!” Most airports have fairly lackluster dining options, unless you’re willing to spend a pretty penny and one- to two or more hours of your time.
You can save time, money, and eat something that’s genuinely nutritious by bringing your own food on-flight. Even a few granola bars hastily thrown in your carry-on can mean the difference between a grumpy passenger and a content passenger. Just make sure not to bring anything too smelly on-board out of respect for others stuck on the same metal tube as you.
Invest In Good Headphones
You can’t hear that crying baby who’s inevitably been seated directly behind you if you have the right pair of headphones. Quality noise-canceling, over-the-ear headphones are definitely the way to go when it comes to traveling, and you can almost always find a decent pair without paying an arm and a leg. For a product with great sound reduction, sound quality, and overall longevity, it’s best to make a one-time investment in a more expensive pair of headphones. Trust us on this one.
Not only can you block out the world around you at your gate or on the flight, but people are less likely to bother you if you’re clearly wearing headphones.
Be Polite (It Goes A Long Way)
Travelers are often exhausted, sore, unshowered, hungry, and generally cranky. A long flight is no easy battle to fight, and as a result, many customers are less-than-kind to flight attendants and other airline personnel. Though these customer service heroes are used to dealing with cranky, unappreciative people, it’s worth your while to be extra nice and polite whenever possible.
Even a simple smile and “thank you” can be a meaningful gesture to an employee whos had a long day. If you really want to make someone’s day, give a flight attendant an unopened box of chocolates and say that it’s for the entire crew. If anyone’s getting randomly bumped up to first class, it’s probably you!
Wearing Your No-Metal, TSA-Approved Belt
Walking through TSA checkpoints can be a total pain, but by not having to take off your belt, our TSA-approved belts are here to make traveling just that much easier and convenient for you. Find a color that’s perfect for your needs. Shop our no-metal buckle belts for flying today!